
GitBook 基本的目录结构如下所示

├── book.json
├── README.md
├── SUMMARY.md
├── chapter-1/
|   ├── README.md
|   └── something.md
└── chapter-2/
    ├── README.md
    └── something.md
文件 描述
book.json 存储配置数据bookjsonoptional
README.md 您的书的前言/介绍(必填
SUMMARY.md 目录(见)(optional
GLOSSARY.md 词汇表/要注释的术语列表(请参阅词汇表)(optional

Static files and Images

A static file is a file that is not listed in the SUMMARY.md. All static files, unless ignored, are copied to the output.

Ignoring files & folders

GitBook will read the .gitignore, .bookignore and .ignore files to get a list of files and folders to skip. The format inside those files, follows the same convention as .gitignore:

# This is a comment

# Ignore the file test.md

# Ignore everything in the directory "bin"

Project integration with subdirectory

For software projects, you can use a subdirectory (like docs/) to store the book for the project's documentation. You can configure the root option to indicate the folder where GitBook can find the book's files:

├── book.json
└── docs/
    ├── README.md
    └── SUMMARY.md

With book.json containing:

    "root": "./docs"

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